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Soulfit Philosophy

“Your outside world is a reflection of your inner harmony”


Life-force flows in a circle; it flows into us, we send it out into the world, and it comes back to us. What comes back to us is a result of what we have sent out.

Soulfit teaches the remembrance of conscious creation though self-awareness, with the focus of love, wisdom and power.


Sickness, dis-ease, unhappiness, lack is simply the result of unconscious directing of Universal Life-force Energy. We are constantly using and directing our energy through thought, feeling and action. Most are unaware that every minute of every day they are creating all the things they DON’T want.

If you want sustainable health, happiness, abundance, creativity and more, you must remember how to control and direct the life-force energy moving though you. It is that SIMPLE!


What is life-force energy? It is not something that words will ever truly describe, but I refer to as Divine Love.  You may ask; “How is Divine Love giving me sickness or unhappiness or pain and suffering?” And that is an excellent question…


Divine Love is the creative force in you, all life and the universe. We are never not being or using Divine Love, it is who we are. Human beings have total freewill to do and create as they choose and it is the Power of Divine Love that has given us that freedom. Why? To know and experience itself.


Along the way we have gotten so caught up in the outside world we have forgotten that the power to create and experience what we want is within us. We have gotten further and further away from knowing our Love, Wisdom and Power; our TRUE DIVINE SELVES and become so unconscious of the fact that we are far greater than our human self. We have given our power away to the outside world. The human is walking around delusional, believing that they are powerless, believing they have no control over their lives and that other people, possessions and the outside world is the only source of happiness.


Our true natural state of being is Divine Love. We can have all that our heart wants; happiness, health, abundance, love, it is our birthright. We just have to wake up from the illusion of separation.

Soulfit Wednesday's 6.00 pm

Please book for your first class

Will not run in wet weather


Zinah 0407 502 193


Meet at Canyon Lane carpark Bright. Bookings preferred

For 10 classes
or $10
per class
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